Able Community Summer Shout-Out

Hope you’re enjoying the summer!  We are:

In a local writing workshop, I wrote despite all my failed endeavors, I’m starting Able Community to redefine independence by building co-housing for people with and without disabilities.  Feedback: “I want to know why this screw up is doing this.”

Here’s why:

Most of my highly educated friends with disabilities are unemployed or underemployed, and still live with their parents.  It’s disempowering when it’s because you can’t find and afford accessible housing and/or care, instead of just saving money.

Helping people with disabilities find individualized solutions to accessible housing, self-directed personal care, and community will enable equal access to meaningful opportunities, including paid full-time employment.

Able Community is a solution, but still has a long way to go.  We seek to equip people with disabilities with tools that will empower them, instead of facing failed endeavors, like I have.  We provided three young adults with disabilities with housing since we moved into a house in 2017, and need your help to make room for more people with and without disabilities to live in our house!

We’re not asking for monetary donations today, although you can still donate online.


Can you or anyone you know donate unique stuff (artwork, recipes, sharing season tickets/airline miles, etc.) or services (tutoring, tours of your town, harmonica lessons, etc.)?  Able Community plans to crowdfund (think Kickstarter, etc.) and use your pledged donations as rewards or auction items.

If you shop Amazon on Prime Day on July 15 & 16, or on any other day, please shop via  AmazonSmile donates part of your purchase to Able Community!  Every cent makes a difference!!!


Esther S. Lee,

President of Able Community—Redefining Independence