
I am an attorney with a disability starting a solo disability law practice. As you might be able to tell from this blog, I have a sense of humor about my disability. If you don’t share my humor, that’s ok. Hopefully we can still be friends.

I considered being a writer, but I chose law to do social advocacy and I wasn’t sure if I could make it as a writer. I also considered comedy; that lasted less than a minute when I realized that I wasn’t very funny. My apologies for subjecting you to both my writing and my humor, especially if it’s not your cup of tea. Even if you don’t drink tea, stop by and stay a while. Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving comments or taking the polls.

Thanks for reading and engaging with Gimpy Law!

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Gimpy Law,
    I would like to chat through email, is that ok with you? I am not looking for free legal advise but represent an organization that works for people with all types of disabilities.

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